Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Finding My Walking Pace

The first two days were tough! A mountain plus rain! However, two days later, leaving Barcelona, I found my stride. It's now been two days of strong walking through beautiful Spanish villages in the sunshine. By having reservations ahead, I haven't had to worry about finding a place to sleep. It has also allowed me to leave a bit later in the morning so no walking in the dark.
The Camino is busy. I was told in Pamplona that May and September are the busiest months due to the good weather. Even though it's busy, some 300 pilgrims a day leaving SJPP, it is also the people who make the Camino memorable. All ages, all nationalities! In general, pilgrims seem both friendly and kind. The most likely explanation is that we're a sort of family, suffering together as we walk this very demanding 500 miles.

A typical day on the Camino is about 15 miles. Today was a real treat. I only had to walk 11 miles. So, from time to time there are short days, but they're usually followed by a longer day.
Speaking of people from all over the world, here is a photo of a young man from the Czech Republic and a German girl who have been on the trail with me for the past two days.


1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying your photos and descriptions; keep them coming. Have fun - stay safe! Barb K
