Monday, May 9, 2016

The Daily Routine

On the Camino, most of us get into a daily routine pretty quickly depending on personal preferences. For me, I like to get up early so as to arrive at my final destination before the rush of pilgrims later in the afternoon. Most mornings I'm up by six and on the road within a half hour. By 6:30 it's just getting light so I can usually pretty easily find my way out of town (although I have been know to take a wrong turn from time to time). 

like the early morning walking the most. The air is cool and refreshing and there are not yet a lot of pilgrims on the road. Around the five mile mark most days, I can usually find a small village so as to stop for coffee and a light breakfast. Walking days seem to vary between 12-18 miles. Although today was a full 18 miles, tomorrow is a much shorter 12 mile stroll. Depending on the miles, I arrive at my destination anywhere between 11:30 to 1:30. 

It's also nice to check into the Albergues before the afternoon rush. Most pilgrims arrive between 3-4 so it's a bit crazy in the dorms as everyone settles in. Being early also allow me in the showers first with plenty of hot water.

Afternoons are for relaxing, walking around taking a few pictures, and a time to catch up with Camino friends for lunch and maybe a beer or two. Dinners vary from going out to a restaurant or dinning at the albergue. Early to bed then after packing for another early start the next morning.

As you can tell, I'm probably the hardest working guy on the Camino. 

One of the really great things about the albergues is hanging out in the afternoons with new friends such as this gang from Ireland.

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